This link is to a model of AccurateCNC machines, that is no longer in production.

In the table below, you can find comparison information of the characteristics of our models in production. Note, that the models' names are links, which can directly lead you to detailed review section.

Model Table Size XY Work envelope XYZ Tool change Tool Calibration Positioning system Spindle speed [rpm] Tool holders
A637 22x14 inch
559x356 mm
16x11x1.3 inch
406x279x33 mm
Automatic Automatic Servo control 100,000 16
A636 22x14 inch
16x11x1.3 inch
Automatic Automatic Servo control 60,000 16
A627 22x14 inch
559x356 mm
16x11x1.3 inch
406x279x33 mm
Automatic Automatic Calibrated screw 100,000 16
A626 22x14 inch
16x11x1.3 inch
Automatic Automatic Calibrated screw 60,000 16
A437 18x12 inch
457x304 mm
12x9x1.3 inch
304x229x33 mm
Automatic Automatic Servo control 100,000 12
A436 18x12 inch
457x304 mm
12x9x1.3 inch
304x229x33 mm
Automatic Automatic Servo control 60,000 12
A427 18x12 inch
457x304 mm
12x9x1.3 inch
304x229x33 mm
Automatic Automatic Calibrated screw 100,000 12
A426 18x12 inch
457x304 mm
12x9x1.3 inch
304x229x33 mm
Automatic Automatic Calibrated screw 60,000 12
A632 22x14 inch
559x356 mm
16x12x1.3 inch
406x304x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Servo control 100,000 N/A
A631 22x14 inch
559x356 mm
16x12x1.3 inch
406x304x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Servo control 60,000 N/A
A622 22x14 inch
559x356 mm
16x12x1.3 inch
406x304x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Calibrated screw 100,000 N/A
A621 22x14 inch
559x356 mm
16x12x1.3 inch
406x304x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Calibrated screw 60,000 N/A
A432 18x12 inch
12x10x1.3 inch
304x254x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Servo control 100,000 N/A
A431 18x12 inch
457x304 mm
12x10x1.3 inch
304x254x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Servo control 60,000 N/A
A422 18x12 inch
12x10x1.3 inch
304x254x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Calibrated screw 100,000 N/A
A421 18x12 inch
457x304 mm
12x10x1.3 inch
304x254x33 mm
Semi-Automatic* Automatic Calibrated screw 60,000 N/A
* manual tool change, prompted by the software

Other Recommended Links:

Review of the machines' parameters and features
System selector with prices
Article on the machines' characteristics
Video, presenting our machine model A636 and PhCNC software.
A426 - The most popular model of our PCB prototyping machines
A637 - The most advanced model of our PCB prototyping machines
A421 - The most affordable model of our PCB prototyping machines