Test #1 - Gerber file with macro apertures:
The used macro apertures are without parameters (the most
simple case!)
PhCNC Demo (Accurate CNC): Excellent results!
CircuitCAM PRO (lpkf): Excellent results!
CircuitPRO v1.4 (lpkf): Excellent results!
IsoPro 2.7 (t-tech) - Fail!
Note: May be for some reasons the gerber is interpretate as drill file !?
Design Pro (mits) - Fail!
PCAM (everprecision) - Fail!
CopperCAM (galaad) - Fail!
PCBmill - Fail!
DeskPCB (deskcnc) - Fail!
DeskCNC - Fail!
Test #2 - Simple gerber file1:
PhCNC Demo (Accurate CNC): Excellent results!
CircuitCAM (plkf) - Excellent results!
CircuitPRO v1.4 (plkf) - Excellent results!
IsoPro 2.7 (t-tech) - Excellent results!
NOTE: Unfortunately without the key it was not possible to test the
Design Pro (mits) - Good results (1 problem)!
Wrong insulation paths:
PCAM (everprecision) - Fail!
CopperCAM - Fail!
DeskCNC/DeskPCB (deskcnc) - Fail!
PCBMill (CNCdrive) - Fail!
Test #3 - Simple gerber file2:
PhCNC Demo (Accurate CNC) - Excellent results!
CircuitCAM (lpkf) - Excellent results!
CircuitPRO v1.4 (lpkf) - Excellent results!
IsoPro (t-tech) - Good results!
Design Pro (mits) - Excellent results!
PCAM (everprecision) - Fail!
DeckCNC/DeckPCB (deckcnc): Good results!
CopperCAM (galaad) - Fail!
Some of the errors:
PCBMill (cncdrive) - Fail!
Test #4 - Gerber file with macro apertures with parameters:
The most difficult test: the file contains more then 25 different
macro apertures!
PhCNC Demo (Accurate CNC) - Excellent results!
CircuitCAM 5.0 (lpkf) - Fail!
CircuitCAM 6.1 (lpkf) - Fail!
CircuitPRO v1.4 (lpkf) - Good results (1 missing aperture)!
IsoPro (t-tect) - Fail!
Design Pro (mits) - Fail!
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