Automatic Tool Change (ATC) - This is a process that the system changes and calibrates the tools without any operator activities.

CAST™ - CAST is an abbreviation for Continuous Automatic Surface Tracking. It is a technology, developed by Accurate CNC, Inc, and is based on uninterrupted surface tracking and Z axis corrections to achieve constant tool penetration as it is set by the software. The rate of measurements is preset able between 100 and 500 measurements/corrections per second. This process is fully automated in our systems using high accuracy linear gauges in order to track the material surface. In this case the tool penetration is dynamically controlled by the system and do not need any operator actions. All tool penetrations are preset in CAM mode and precisely executed in CNC mode.

Semi-Automatic Tool Change - This is a process that the system goes to the tool change mode automatically, places the milling head in the “tool change position” and prompt to the operator to replace the tool with the needed one. The description of the needed tool is included in the prompt window.

Split Axes Design - This is a design concept that utilizes non moving gantry that serves as main or second axis. Firmly mounted gantry achieves maximum stability against the cross forces that apply to it during the operations. The positioning of the axis is performed by moving the work piece (machine table). Along with the advantages of solid mounted gantry this design offers some disadvantages. Moving machine table requires twice more space that doubles the machine footprint. It makes difficult to observe the process of machining due to the moving work piece. Deteriorates the rigidity of the machine table and the dynamics of the movement in this axis. After many tests we decided that in our application the moving gantry is definitely a better solution.

Tool Penetration - This parameter reflects the tool tip penetration in the surface of the material. I all models it is the depth that the tool goes in the material related to its surface level. This compensates any material unevenness and all other factors that can affect the proper milling process.

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