Test your CNC machine with G-code programs generated by PhCNC LS:
G test inch.zip (G20) or G test mm.zip (G21)
The testing G-code programs are generated by the project G test.PHJ, which you can open
with PhCNC Demo
G test.PHJ
Top Layer (Insulation)
Top Layer (Insulation + Rubout)
Bottom Layer (Insulation)
Bottom Layer (Insulation + Rubout)
The instruments, with which the G-code programs must be executed (with which the G-code is calculated) are:
Insulation (top & bottom):
10 mil EndMill
(feed rate: 10.0in/min, plunge rate: 20.0in/min)
Rubout (top):
Tool 1: 10 mil EndMill
Tool 2: 31.2 EndMill
Tool 3: 62.5 EndMill
Tool 4: 125.0 EndMill
(feed rate: 10.0in/min, plunge rate: 20.0in/min)
Drill (top):
Tool 1: 15 mil drill bit
Tool 2: 20 mil drill bit
Tool 3: 30 mil drill bit
(plunge rate: 20.0in/min)
Cut (bottom):
39.4 mil router bit
(feed rate: 7.5in/min, plunge rate: 20.0in/min)